Tuesday, January 25, 2011

**** Stacy Diary: Fighting The Vultures & Life Hurdles Continues......

2day= Up at 6:30am like always....Make Coffee, Feed Animals, Make Breakfast, Dishes, Clean, Make Beds, Pay Bills, Computer Work, Exercise, Beach Jog...etc...then......
Drove an hour to Visit my Grandma, Drove Home, Picked up Roy and went 2our 1st Couple Therapy Session - it went Pretty Good, Looking 4ward 2Next Session!
My 13yr Old Girl Kitty Cat Kaiko is Very Sick, Might Die Soon. Roy cannot Handle taking her to the Vet because we know that the Vet will probably 'Put her Down'. She is not in Pain, we both think that it might be best to make her as comfortable as possible and let her die with the love & attention from her family.
Grandma Update: How interesting that Grandma`s Expensive earrings go missing on Friday, the same day that my Evil Vulture Grave Digging Aunt went 2go visit her......ummmmmm
Grandma just cannot have anything Expensive right now.....but no worries, My Grandma will not go Bare without Bling.....I`m gonna buy Grandma some of the Best Looking Costume Jewelery that this Avon Lady (aka: ME) can Buy!!

OXOX, Stacy

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