Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Randi Rhodes: Get to Work!

President Obama blasted the GOP and constantly-vacationing Congress today for whining about closing tax loopholes for the rich and failing to get a deal done on the debt ceiling. And as Republicans continue threatening not to raise the debt ceiling, some Democrats are pointing out that the Constitution actually requires the federal government to pay its debts. I guess Republicans didn’t listen when they were reading the Constitution out loud. Part of the 14th Amendment says “The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned.” Translation: if you refuse to raise the debt ceiling, screw it—there is no debt ceiling.

Do As I Say Department: the clinic run by Michele Bachmann’s husband has collected over $137,000 in Medicaid payments since 2005, while Michele has been railing against Medicaid. This must be why Michele Bachmann doesn’t want Medicaid money going to the poor. She wants it all to be going to her. AND, on top of all the clinic money, Michele is a partner in a family farm that has received some $260,000 in federal farm subsidies. Yeesh. I think we could make a big dent in the federal debt if we just cut off the money Michele Bachmann is getting.

Glenn Beck says his family was harassed by fellow movie watchers when they took in a free movie being shown in New York’s Bryant Park. Beck described the crowd at the movie as “the most hateful people I’ve seen.” Gee Glenn, don’t you ever look out at the crowd at your own rallies? Beck claims one woman yelled “We hate Republicans” at him and his family, and later another man shouted “We hate conservatives.” Glenn, if you’re going to make up lines for the bad guys in your little story to say, at least make them more creative than that. New Yorkers yell things at each other all the time, and it’s always much more inventive than those stock lines. Of course, it’s possible that some people actually were rude to Glenn. I’m sure he wasn’t surprised… or disappointed. Deep down inside, every hate monger really wants to be a martyr. The lesson for Glenn is, they say people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. Well, people who throw stones at other people for a living shouldn’t be surprised when a few stones get thrown back at them.

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Jon Stewart tackled the ‘who is the bigger a-hole, me or Fox News’ question on last night’s Daily Show…

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