Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Thom Hartmann: Big tobacco is suing the FDA because they say - they're people!

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Big tobacco is suing the FDA. Under new FDA regulations - by September of next year all cigarette packs must display graphic images showing the consequences of smoking. But now - the tobacco companies are pushing back - using the Mitt Romney argument that they're people - and that these new regulations violate their First Amendment rights.

Lorillard - the nation's third largest cigarette maker - said the new regulations were, "an unconstitutional way of forcing tobacco manufacturers to disseminate the government's anti-smoking message." The government SHOULD have an anti-smoking message.

Smoking kills more than 1,200 people a day - is the only product legally sold in America that kills people when it's used as directed, and costs taxpayers a fortune in healthcare and lost productivity.


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