Thursday, August 19, 2010

Fuji Waterproof Digital Camera - NOT!

Fujifilm FinePix Z33WP Waterproof Digital Camera,
I bought ths camera about a year agao. I loved it. It took great Photos, it was real easy to use, download and very portable. We never used the Underwater feature until this year. It claims to be safe to take photos to 3-10 feet below water. We took it to Fetishcon in Tampa Florida - I took it in the Pool I took 2 Photos under 1 foot of water and it froze - it broke - took it into Camera Shop - They say the Camera is Toast/Fried/Broke & cannot retrieve photos - ALL of our Event Photos GONE!!

I do not know what kind of camera to get this time - how do I know if the next one is for SURE Waterproof??? Ummpffttt - Grumble - Grumble!!

oxox, Stacy

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