It's Friday, ya bastids!
Herman Cain is hot! Suddenly everybody knows his name! Well, everybody except Sarah Palin, who thinks his name is Herb Cain. During the last debate, other candidates mentioned Cain as a possible running mate. Good idea, if you’re looking for the black Republican vote. And I do mean “vote,” as in singular. Cain thinks he can attract a third to a half of the black vote. Gee, Herman, it’s almost too bad that your Republican Party has spent the past few years trying to disenfranchise as many African-American voters as possible.
Michele Bachmann is again saying how she is submissive to the will of her husband. These statements don’t help her—I wish Marcus would stop making her say them. Michele tells how she had to defer her dream of going to law school when God called Marcus to the ministry and called her to law school at the same time. Gee, you’d think God would be better at avoiding scheduling conflicts. Michele says “I knew that I needed to defer what I wanted in deference to my husband. That was a good decision that I made.” Sorry, Michele, but the only decision you made was to let somebody else decide. You went along with the will of God… as it was manifested in the will of the closeted gay man you are married to.
Democratic lawmakers are calling for an investigation into Clarence Thomas’s failure to report hundreds of thousands of dollars on annual financial disclosure forms. You’ve come a long way from pubic hairs on cans of Coke, Clarence. Is he going to play dumb on this one? If anyone can do that convincingly, it would be him. One thing isn’t quite clear to me—does Clarence Thomas think he is above the law, or beyond the law, or does he think that he IS the law.
And Bank of America has a new $5 monthly fee for people who use debit cards. BofA is going to hit Americans with these fees after we provided the money to bail them out. I say we tell the “Bank of America” that they are no longer welcome to use our name. You know, if we knew they were going to do this to us, we would have charged them a $5 fee on the billions we gave to them.
Today’s Homework | Discuss
Flashback 2005: The late George Carlin, as only he can, nails the root cause of our economic and political woes (NSFW - language)...
Friday, September 30, 2011
Randi Rhodes: Herb's Smokin'
Thom Hartmann: Will Ben Bernanke's Warning go Unheard....
Help us End the ban on murals in L.A.
The city of Los Angeles thinks art is crime.
L.A. changed its municipal code several years ago to classify murals as "signs," meaning no mural can be painted without a pricey and difficult to obtain permit from the city.
Now the city is cracking down on unpermitted murals: Private contractors are covering up murals while police are issuing fines, making arrests, and even conducting raids on artists.
Piper Severance is a member and a close friend of Saber, a prominent street artist who is campaigning to end this ban on murals in L.A. Piper started a petition on asking L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and City Attorney Carmen Trutanich to end the moratorium on murals. Please sign Piper’s petition today.
Saber is a recent victim of L.A.’s out-of-control mural crackdown. In April, one of L.A.’s graffiti removal companies broke onto private property to paint over a mural Saber and other artists had created for a local art gallery’s exhibition on street art. The mural was completely legal -- but a private contractor paid by the city of Los Angeles covered up a work of art.
Los Angeles has a rich history of murals -- it even used to be called the "mural capital of the world." At a time when the city is slashing funding for arts education (half of L.A.’s music teachers were laid off this spring), it doesn’t make sense to spend more money to cover up art that beautifies the city.
Mayor Villaraigosa and City Attorney Trutanich probably think that no one cares if they whitewash L.A.’s art -- they need to see that thousands of people are willing to stand up for L.A.’s murals. Please sign Piper’s petition to end the moratorium on murals in L.A.:
Thanks for being a change-maker,
- Corinne and the team
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Randi Rhodes: Mrs. Perry & Herman Rising
Rick Perry’s wife, Anita, is out on the campaign trail defending Perry’s record on job creation—by admitting they’re mostly minimum wage jobs. With defenders like her, who needs critics? Anita said “I’m not going to tell you they’re all high-paying jobs, but they’re a job, even if they’re a minimum wage job. And that’s what people are hungry for.” OK, not exactly bumper-sticker material. People are hungry for minimum wage jobs! And after they get them, chances are, they will still be hungry! If people are hungry for minimum wage jobs, that’s mostly a function of having kept people hungry for long enough that they are desperate. In other words, the conservative economic plan is working.
Anita Perry works at a non-profit organization that receives almost all of their donations from businesses that support Perry or do business with him. So it’s no wonder Anita Perry would defend her husband’s record on jobs as governor—he certainly used his position to set her up in a cushy job. Anita Perry makes $60,000 in her position with the non-profit, basically just accepting money from businesses and individuals who want something from Rick Perry. Now that’s the kind of job people are hungry for. Unscrupulous people, at least.
According to a Fox News poll, Perry, Romney, and Cain are now the top tier of the GOP presidential candidates. Keep in mind, that is the “top tier” on a very, very low set of risers. Rick Perry dropped from the lead with 29 percent just a month ago, to only 19 percent now. That’s such a classic late-summer collapse that Perry may be named an honorary member of the Boston Red Sox. Meanwhile, Herman “Herb” Cain’s support has almost tripled in the last month. People are going to start paying attention to him—and that means that his support is going to collapse in the next month. The candidate who is surging ahead has nothing on his resume except being the head of Godfather’s Pizza. That fits—choosing Herman Cain is like giving up on what to fix for dinner and just ordering pizza. And Mitt Romney’s level of support remained virtually the same at 23 percent. Those are the people who have already given up. For those Republicans, Mitt Romney is just something they realize is going to inevitably happen to them, like old age and death.
Today’s Homework | Discuss
Thom Hartmann: First it was Vermont - now it's Montana...Single Payer Healthcare
It's Time to Get Money Out of Politics

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It's Time to Get Money Out of Politics
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Get Money Out
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Randi Rhodes: No White Knight
Chris Christie had a big, fat opportunity to announce he was running for president, but he didn’t bite, leaving Republicans hungry. Hey, this can’t go on much longer—I’m going to use the fat jokes while I still can. I’ll give him this—unlike Mitt Romney or Rick Perry, Chris Christie is not just an empty suit. He is a very full suit. There’s your campaign slogan! Chris Christie: not just an empty XXXXL suit.
During a Q&A after his speech, a woman literally begged Christie to run. “I really implore you, I really do... I mean this will all my heart … I really implore you, as a citizen of this country, to please sir, reconsider ... We need you.” More bad news for Rick Perry—I think that woman was his wife.
Dylan Ratigan is launching a campaign to get money out of politics. Just how much would that cost? Ratigan is collecting signatures. He can’t very well collect money. It’s for a petition supporting a Constitutional amendment. We need to have a Constitutional amendment because the Supreme Court has interpreted corporations as people, and money as free speech. And that tells you just what kind of Supreme Court money can buy.
HOUR 3 GUEST: MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan on his Get Money Out campaign
Rush Limbaugh says that President Obama “talks honky around white people.” Wow. I believe the last recorded use of the word “honky” was in an episode of “The Jeffersons” in 1979. And it sounded outdated then. Rush’s racial vocabulary comes from the 1960’s. And his racial attitudes come from the 1860’s.
Finally, Sarah Palin says the fuss over Chris Christie was part of a media “flavor of the week” mentality. Yes, Sarah, we’re all familiar with the concept of “flavor of the week.” Say, weren’t you the first week of September, 2008? The problem with Sarah is that she’s taken her “flavor of the week” status and tried to parlay it into a “flavor of the decade.” Sorry, Sarah. Your flavor week is long, long over. But you left a bad taste in our mouth, if that’s any consolation.
Today’s Homework | Discuss
Just for fun: The folks at Bad Lip Reading spent a little time with some Rick Perry videos...
Thom Hartmann: Could Hactivist Choose Lady GaGa for next President of the United States?
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Randi Rhodes: Bromancing Christie
Chris Christie keeps turning down pleas for him to run for president. Now if he could just do the same thing for the cheesecake. Republicans are begging Chris Christie to save them by riding in on a white horse. Better make that a very big and strong white horse. But then Chris Christie can always ride in on a helicopter and limo paid for by the taxpayers of New Jersey. Hey GOP, forget drafting Christie. He can’t save you. You could go through every single Republican in this country without finding a decent candidate—and you’re just about halfway there. The Republican base is saying they’re unhappy with their candidates. They’re just a bunch of losers—but then you could say that just as easily about the Republican base as you can about the candidates.
At a town-hall meeting with the president yesterday, a man asked Obama to please raise his taxes. And I’m sure that now the rightwing nutcases will think that that guy is the Anti-Christ. The man said to Obama “Would you please raise my taxes?” The crowd applauded. I’m sure that conservatives will be just as disgusted by that as normal people were when conservatives cheered for death: “Did you hear the crowd cheering for taxes? Honestly, what is wrong with people?” The man is a former director of marketing at Google. Well, that partly explains why he’s willing to pay taxes. He actually earned his money.
Later, a nutty heckler at an Obama speech yelled that Obama is the Anti-Christ. I know what you’re thinking, but it wasn’t Michele Bachmann. She’s just going to have to find other ways to bring attention to her floundering campaign. As the man was being escorted out, President Obama tried to make sure that he didn’t accidentally leave behind his jacket. I’m no theologian, but I don’t think the Anti-Christ would do that.
And on Dancing with the Stars last night, Nancy Grace had a minor nipple slip (NSFW). Well, the slip was minor. But that’s a major nipple. The first words out of the head judge Len Goodman’s mouth were “how refreshing!” So I’m guessing he did not see it. It’s no big deal. Viewers of Dancing with the Stars see nipples every week. It’s just that they usually belong to Maks.
Today’s Homework | Discuss
Thom Hartman: Goldman Sachs rules the world...
Monday, September 26, 2011
Randi Rhodes: Hermentum
Hermann Cain won the Florida straw poll over the weekend. Cain’s win sends a strong message to the GOP. Unfortunately for them, the message is that they don’t have a candidate worth diddly-squat. By the way, Michele Bachmann came in dead last. At this point, her campaign looks about as lively as those cow carcasses she posed with last week. She actually finished behind Jon Hunstman, or as he is better known, “Who?” Wow. If this straw poll win does as much for Herman Cain as Michele Bachmann’s straw poll win in Iowa did for her... then we’ll never hear from Herman Cain again.
In a crowded field, Cain got a whopping 37 percent of the vote. And most of the whopping was done on Rick Perry. This straw poll showing could be the straw that breaks the back of Rick Perry’s candidacy. The reactions to Rick Perry’s last debate performance have been almost as ugly as Perry’s performance itself. On Fox News, Brit Hume said that Perry “really did throw up all over himself in the debate...” Thanks a lot for that image, Brit. I already couldn’t look at Rick Perry without getting sick myself. When Rick Perry entered this race, he shot right to the front of the pack. All he had to do to win was... well, to not be Rick Perry. Usually you advise someone to “just be yourself.” When you’re advising Rick Perry, the best advice is “just be anybody except yourself.” Really, Rick—be anybody. Or take a hint from Mitt Romney, and be everybody.
Rick Perry has yet to convince the Republican base that he is ideologically pure. Yeesh. How many people does he have to execute to get Republicans to like him? On top of that, Perry is a terrible debater. For a guy who has never told the truth, he sure isn’t very good at lying. You have to be able to debate, Rick. For the Republicans, you might be forgiven for not thinking all the right things, as long as you can say all the right things. Or at least that’s what Mitt Romney is counting on.
Finally, President Obama said the Republican approach “would fundamentally cripple America.” Let’s hope not. If America was crippled, Republicans would never approve the funds to build wheelchair ramps.
Today’s Homework | Discuss
SNL kicked off it's 37th season with a GOP debate spoof...
Thom Hartmann: More Evidence the Psychopaths have taken over?
Sunday, September 25, 2011
A Message From Occupied Wall Street (Day Eight)
This is the eighth communiqué from the 99 percent. We are occupying Wall Street.
On September 24th, 2011, the lie revealed itself. We live in a world where only 1 percent of us are protected and served. The following is graphic.
This is a video of a white-collar police officer macing penned-in young women:
This is a photo of a white-collar police officer reaching over a barricade and ripping a young woman's hair out:

This is a video that shows a white-collar police officer tackle a young man for no reason (thirty-six seconds in).
Later, it shows a different white-collar police officer shoving two young women and a young man for no reason (one minute and two seconds in):
This is a photo of two white-collar police officers arresting a young woman for filming them:

Here is a picture from the article, note the other two white-collar officers holding him up:

This is a video from September 20th of two white-collar police officers throwing a protester face first towards the ground:
We demand that Police Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly resigns.
We demand that this man is charged for maliciously spraying protesters and blue-collar police.

We demand jail time - for this man and others like him.
We demand that no blue-collar police is charged for the crimes of their supervisor.
We demand that Mayor Bloomberg address our General Assembly and apologize for what has occurred.
A message to blue-collar police:
Do not do what you are told. We are peaceful and you know this. We offer you coffee in the morning and water in the day. You always refuse and we know that's because they told you to.
Speak of the crimes of your supervisors. We will help you. We are expressing the same frustration that you feel. You are the 99 percent. Join us. Join our conversation.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Norman Goldman this Week
What Does Norm Think? What does Norm think? What do you think? Find out more about current issues, news and topics, and join in the conversation. |
A Very Touching Video/Audio On YouTube | |
Posted on Saturday, September 17, 2011 | |
This gentleman has a VERY compelling personal story and I am HONORED that he thinks of me as worthy of this video/audio. Please take a look/listen. It's 4 minutes.... [ continue reading this entry ] | |
Details For The Portland Visit Sept. 17 & 18, 2011 | |
Posted on Saturday, September 10, 2011 | |
I will be at Kell's in the evening of Saturday, September 17 and here is the link for that: PLEASE DON'T CONTACT KELL'S; TICKETS ARE THROUGH THE MULTNOMAH COUNTY DEMOCRATIC PARTY AT THE LINK ABOVE. On Sunday, September 18, I will be representing KPOJ at the Susan G. Komen Race For the... [ continue reading this entry ] | |
Taking Back America Via The Ballot Box Initiative! | |
Posted on Tuesday, August 23, 2011 | |
The story I did on the air about "BISC" and using the ballot initiative process to take back America can be found here: And, don't forget to look at the "4 Point Plan To Rescue America" on as well! Point #3 will look VERY... [ continue reading this entry ] | |
Radio Stations No Longer Have A Car Monopoly | |
Posted on Tuesday, August 23, 2011 | |
The future is here - and our own app is about to launch, for free: “An explosion in the use of in-vehicle apps in cars” is ahead, predicts IHS research. Some of that “explosion” in connectedness will come from drivers parking their iPhones and Androids in a dock when they buckle up,... [ continue reading this entry ] | |
Randi Rhodes: They Believe We`re Middle Class!
It's Friday, ya bastids!
Randi is off to perform for our listeners in Ithaca, NY this weekend. She'll be back LIVE on Mon (9/26); David Sirota from our Denver affiliate, AM760, is filling in today.
David will recap the GOP Debate last night (yeah - there was another one), and address Mitt Romney's crazy claim from earlier this week that a multi-millionaire like Romney is "middle class." What IS middle class? Call in and let David know what you think.
President Obama also announced some long-overdue changes to No Child Left Behind, this morning that are causing a stir. Our guest, Dana Goldstein, contributing writer to The Nation magazine will talk with David about what the future of "No Child" will and won't be. Plus, David will shock everyone - by agreeing with Rick Perry on an education topic!
Finally, since it's Friday, and the The Great American Beer Festival is being held in Denver, David and his producer Turk will talk about the latest scientific study that proves beer really IS good for you! Plus, we'll talk about how the latest ice cream flavor from Ben & Jerry's is causing some people to go nuts.
Call David at 866-87-RANDI (866-877-2634)
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It may not quite be the holiday season yet, but with the ridiculous boycott over Ben & Jerry's latest ice cream flavor, we thought Alec Baldwin's holiday message would be a great addition to your weekend.
Thom Hartmann: The Republican Jaw Dropping Moment.....
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Randi Rhodes: Who Got Your Money?
The rich get richer, and the middle gets less middler. Middle class incomes had been stagnant since the 1970’s. Well, in the first decade of this century, they started moving again. Unfortunately, they moved downward. The latest census figures show that middle-class income fell 7 percent between 2000 and 2010. And that tells you why conservatives don’t like the census. The figures for poverty and middle-class income are a disgrace for America. Hell, they would be a disgrace for Kazakhstan or Burkina Faso. 46.2 million Americans live in poverty. If poverty were a state, it would be the largest state in America, by a wide margin. Ironic—while Americans were sleeping, someone stole the American Dream.
So middle-class incomes fell. If you’re wondering where the money went, just look up. Yeah, all that disappeared middle-class money didn’t just disappear. During the same years that middle-class incomes fell 7 percent, the wealth of the Koch brothers rose by 800 percent. Look for the silver lining, people. Maybe you’ll never get to the upper classes, but at least your money is going there. The latest Forbes 400 list says that the Koch brothers are now worth $50 billion. They could actually give $1,000 to each and every person of the 46 million Americans living in poverty, and still have $4 billion left over.
There is another Republican candidates’ debate tonight, which means that this must be Thursday. Or Monday. Or Tuesday. Or any day of any month until they finally sort through these losers. Tonight’s debate is co-sponsored by Google and Fox News. Great—the place you go to for information, and the place you go to for disinformation. Former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson will be in this debate. Johnson is open about the fact that he has smoked marijuana in the past. That contrasts with Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum, who have never smoked pot, but who desperately need to. With Gary Johnson, Republican stoners have someone to support besides Ron Paul—and someone who is probably willing to allow the government to help victims of natural disasters. With Ron Paul’s rigid libertarianism, you get legal marijuana, but no food safety rules. That’s a very dangerous combination—stoners will eat anything. Gary Johnson is proof that you don’t have to be crazy to be a Republican, just to appeal to the Republican base.
Today’s Homework | Discuss
Why do people love Elizabeth Warren - who's already leading Scott Brown in the MA Senate race - so much? Take a look:
Thom Hartmann: These guys aren't "job creators" - they are hucksters...
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Randi Rhodes: Save the Rich!
HOUR TWO GUEST: Cenk Uygur on joining Keith Olbermann at Current TV and the chain of events that led him there.
Republicans are trying to say that taxing the rich costs jobs. Taxing the rich does not cost jobs. If anything, it creates jobs—as tax accountants for the rich. To paraphrase an NRA bumper sticker, the rich don’t create jobs—money creates jobs, and the rich refuse to part with their money. Meanwhile, Republicans want to cut the highly successful Head Start program by over a billion dollars. Tell me that’s not class warfare. Not a lot of billionaires’ kids are enrolled in the Head Start program. The children of the rich have their own Head Start—it’s called being the children of the rich.
The Republican leadership in Congress has sent a letter to Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke urging him not to do anything more to stimulate the economy. How was that letter worded? “Dear Federal Reserve, for the upcoming elections we need the economy to be in shambles. Anything you can do would be appreciated. Sincerely, John Boehner.” The letter claims that economists are divided over whether further stimulus would help the economy. The GOP definitely thinks it would help, though. You can tell by the fact that they oppose it.
Rush Limbaugh is ecstatic that Bill O’Reilly defended the rich on his show the other night. I find the idea of Rush Limbaugh listening to Bill O’Reilly disturbing for some reason. It sets up this weird feedback loop of lies. They’ll feed off and reinforce each other until they create a black hole of ignorance that sucks the rational universe into it. Rush said “Frankly, it’s heartwarming to see” O’Reilly defend the rich. Heartwarming! Wow. Seeing an obscenely wealthy idiot pontificating on why his money should be protected from the filthy masses isn’t exactly on my list of Hallmark moments.
Finally, Michele Bachmann posed for a photo op at an Iowa meat plant, in a room with 400-lb beef carcasses hanging all around her. Needless to say, the beef carcasses looked more presidential. Just how impervious to the power of imagery is Michele Bachmann? Michele, when everyone is questioning whether or not your campaign can survive... the last thing you do is pose with a bunch of dead meat.
Today’s Homework | Discuss
Stephen Colbert digs deep to help the GOP tax the poor...
Thom Hartmann: Another hostage scenario is brewing...
Obama Brews His Own Beer! - Read More @
Obama Brews His Own: Obama brews up batches of homemade beer in the White House -Read MORE & Video @
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Randi Rhodes: Class War Whiners
It’s war! And only one side evidently knows it. John Boehner is leading the GOP in the chorus of their “class warfare” refrain. Boehner grew up in a lower-middle class family, and now he serves corporate masters. If this is class warfare, John Boehner is a turncoat.
There is some very good news in all this “class warfare” nonsense. Bill O’Reilly says that if President Obama raises his taxes, he might “pack it in” and quit. Now we just have to get that in writing. O’Reilly said “If you tax achievement, some of the achievers are going to pack it in.” Essentially, Bill O’Reilly is saying he can’t deal with paying the same taxes that all his employees pay, and if you try to tax him at that rate, he’ll quit and throw all his employees out of work. Then Bill says “If Barack Obama begins taxing me more than 50 percent, which is very possible, I don’t know how much longer I’m going to do this.” Do what, Bill? Lie? Because nobody has mentioned the figure 50 percent anywhere at any time. When Republicans don’t have any response to something that’s been proposed, they just make something else up, and respond to that.
Oh, and Rush Limbaugh doesn’t like Obama’s tax plan either. Well duh. Not only does it fly in the face of every evil principle that Rush holds dear—it would cost Rush money. If for nothing else, we should pass it for that reason.
It’s interesting to see how this tax plan is being perceived by those Republican Congress members who are rich, which would be—and this is a rough estimate—all of them. One of the first to stick their foot in their mouth is Louisiana GOP Congressman John Fleming (video below). Fleming’s businesses made about $6.3 million last year. And he claims he can’t afford the tax increase. Congressman, when you’re making that kind of money, you can’t plead poverty. You can try pleading wealth, but I don’t think it’s going to sound very convincing. Fleming said “by the time I feed my family, I have maybe $400,000 left over.” What are you feeding your family? Beluga caviar and Cristal champagne? My God. That has to be the stupidest thing anyone has said yet about this tax proposal. But then we haven’t heard from Louie Gohmert yet.
Today’s Homework | Discuss
Thom Hartmann: It's the end of the line for Troy Davis
Monday, September 19, 2011
Randi Rhodes: Class Warfare Whiners
Today President Obama put forward a plan to cut our national deficit by over $3 trillion, which is supposed to be exactly what the Republicans want... except for the part where President Obama is proposing it. Deficit reduction is theoretically what Republicans want. But they don’t like what deficit reduction entails in the real world. Hey, Republicans don’t like the real world, period. The President’s plan has everything the Republicans want, along with a couple of the last things they want—fair taxes and real progress. $1.5 trillion of the $3 trillion in savings comes from an overhaul of the tax code. President Obama wants to make the tax code fair. Republicans just want to make the tax code disappear.
Part of the plan is a new rule to make sure that millionaires pay their fair share. Actually, it doesn’t even ask them to do that. It just doesn’t let them pay less than our fair share. Millionaires would have to pay as much as the middle class pays under the new rule. It’s called the Buffett rule, after billionaire Warren Buffett. Buffett says he has no problem with the proposed rule being named after him, because it’s what he believes. Other billionaires just want to avoid paying taxes. Are they willing to propose a rule letting billionaires pay no taxes at all, and call it the “Koch Brothers Rule”? Of course, they would never propose a rule that allows billionaires to pay no taxes at all. Billionaires have figured ways to do that with the rules we already have.
Predictably, Republicans immediately cried that Obama’s proposal to make the rich pay the taxes we all pay is “class warfare.” Anytime someone accuses you of waging class warfare, you can be reasonably sure that they have already been waging class warfare on your class for a long time. Republicans don’t want class warfare—they want unilateral class surrender. Paul Ryan says that this plan will “attack job creators.” It doesn’t attack anyone, Paul. It just treats everyone the same, although, I can see why the people you represent would consider that an attack. I love it when Republicans refer to the mega-rich as “job creators!” I guess it sounds better than “parasites.” They can’t tell the truth. Republicans can’t very well go on the Sunday talk shows and say “The President’s tax overhaul attacks financial vampires.” And they especially can’t do that when they look like Paul Ryan.
Today’s Homework | Discuss
Americans dying for lack of health insurance is more than just a GOP debate applause line, it actually happens (every 12 minutes in fact)...
Thom Hartmann: President Obama, "It's not Class Warfare - It's Math!"
Friday, September 16, 2011
Randi Rhodes: God's Governor
It's Friday, ya bastids!
There’s a great clip of Rick Perry on a Christian talk show last year, talking about how “supernatural events” guided his life, saying “all through life there have been these supernatural events.” Well, if by “supernatural” you mean events that cannot be explained, I would have to say you’re wrong. If you mean events that YOU can’t explain, well then, most everything would be supernatural. It’s no wonder that someone as dumb as Rick Perry thinks that his world is guided by forces beyond his understanding. EVERYTHING is beyond Rick Perry’s understanding.
Rick tells how, in 1978, he went back to his daddy’s farm, and it hadn’t rained for a long time. He was going to leave again to find a job, but then it rained, a lot. OK, as miracles go, that’s not exactly up there. Now, if it was raining frogs, or gold, or manna from heaven or something, then we can start wondering if this is a message from God. Rick said he took the rain “as God’s real clear message, this is where I want you, son. This is where I want you to be.” What? Where it’s raining? Maybe God was telling you to move to Seattle, you idiot. I have news for you, Rick—when it finally rains after a long dry spell, that is not “supernatural.” I think the term you are looking for is “completely natural.” Of course I’m sure that Rick Perry’s radar for messages from God only works for the messages he wants to hear. I have a feeling that if God has something to tell Rick that Rick doesn’t want to hear, God is going to have a very difficult time getting through. If a giant hand appeared in the sky and wrote the words “Rick Perry, Do Not Run for President!” in the clouds, I’m pretty sure that Rick Perry would not take that as any sort of sign from God. No, Rick Perry would think that’s just natural forces at work—just like global warming.
Speaking of Rick Perry’s mistakes, the Supreme Court has agreed to halt and review the case of a man sentenced to die in Texas for apparently being black. Statistically speaking, that is rare. All death penalty cases are appealed. The Supreme Court literally gets asked to stop several executions in Texas almost every week. I’m sure when the Supreme Court gets an appeal to halt an execution in Texas, they first think “Texas? Didn’t we see this appeal yesterday? And the day before. And the day before that.”
Today’s Homework | Discuss
If you missed Randi's interview with former Rep. Alan Grayson yesterday, hear him weigh in on the GOP death lust and the purposeful extermination of empathy...
Thom Hartmann: Hell no you can't!?
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Randi Rhodes: GOP Death Lust
HOUR TWO GUEST: Former Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) on his 2012 campaign to get back into Congress, the GOP death lust that's been on display, the President's jobs plan, etc.
Rick Perry’s execution obsession just feeds the worst in people. And the people we’re talking about are Tea Party people, so you’re talking about feeding the worst in people… in the worst people. Texas executes four more times as many prisoners as any other state. The list of the leading causes of death in the state of Texas should include Rick Perry. I think that more people are executed in Texas than die of natural causes in a lot of states… including maybe Texas. Texas executes so many people by lethal injection that I’m sure the amount of lethal drugs used actually increases pharmaceutical company profits. Wow. Maybe that’s what behind all this. Somebody check and see if those drugs they give prisoners to kill them are made by Merck.
Lawrence O’Donnell said last night that Rick Perry is more of a follower of Pontius Pilate than he is of Jesus. Worse, actually. At least Pontius Pilate tried to wash his hands of the blood. Rick Perry wears blood like a badge of honor. Rick Perry and Pontius Pilate have at least one other thing in common. Both of them ruled for a long time over an arid land, and pretty much wrecked it economically and socially.
On yesterday’s show we told you about Kent Snyder, the 2008 campaign chairman for Ron Paul, who died without health insurance and left behind $400,000 in unpaid medical bills, which is basically Ron Paul’s definition of “freedom.” Snyder’s family set up a website for donations, and tapped into Ron Paul’s list of donors to try and pay off the bill. Well, it turns out that Ron Paul supporters are pretty stingy with everything… except sanctimonious advice. They were only able to raise a grand total of $34,870.53 towards paying that $400,000 debt. I’ll save you from doing the math—in percentage terms, that’s what mathematicians call “diddly squat.” They raised 8 percent of the money they needed—and that’s with all of Ron Paul’s connections. Of course, when you get right down to it, those are all the people who don’t give a crap about anybody else. I don’t want to draw too many conclusions from this, but my take is that, when it comes to deciding how to provide healthcare in this country, “pass the hat” is not an option.
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Pat Robertson, another 'good Christian' who just happens to subscribe to Newt Gingrich's marriage philosophy...
Thom Hartmann: Corporate Freeloaders Act
In Rick Perry's Texas, Firefighters Forced To Pay For Gear, Engine Fuel
In some cases, fire officials say, firefighters have had to pay out of pocket for basic necessities like proper protective gear and fuel to get them to the scene. One fire department that battled the blazes in Bastrop County had to pay for a hose, recalled Bastrop City Fire Chief Henry Perry, speaking to The Huffington Post during a break from working the wild fires.
"That fire department has been on this fire every day," he said. "Before this fire, they were having to buy stuff out of their own pocket." Perry said he knows of at least one other department whose firemen had to pay for equipment maintenance and engine fuel.
Earlier this week, HuffPost reported that Gov. Rick Perry, the GOP front-runner for president, had signed off on millions in firefighting cuts as part of the state's most recent budget legislation. The Texas Forest Service's funding has gone from $117.7 million in the 2010-2011 budget years to $83 million in the 2012-2013 budget years.
Severe cuts have also hit assistance grants to volunteer fire departments throughout Texas. The grants decreased from $30 million per year in 2010 and 2011 to $13.5 million per year in 2012 and 2013. These are cuts that firemen are now dealing with.
"I don't agree with it. I understand what Governor Perry did," said Henry Perry (no relation). "Do I like it? No. I don't like it at all."
The cuts come at a time when Texas fire departments have already been slowing purchases of new fire trucks and other critical equipment as a way to save money, said Guy Turner, president of the Texas State Association of Fire Fighters. The association had endorsed Perry in his re-election for governor in 2010.
"What I fear will happen is equipment will start to fail and put our members at peril," Turner explained. "You can imagine if you're inside a structure fire and your engine quits."
Turner doesn't have to imagine it. He said he knows of firefighters whose breathing apparatus has malfunctioned during fires. There have also been "instances of hoses failing during the course of firefighting operations."
"For years, public safety was the golden calf -- that we were untouchable," Turner said. "Nobody's untouchable. It is a shame. They are basically putting a price on how much our lives are worth. It's disturbing at best."
Firefighters also have been hit with millions in cuts from a state matching grant program that helps local departments pay for essentials like proper clothing and engine upkeep. The departments already had difficulty matching the state grants. "These are the folks out there having to have fundraisers -- fish fries and pancake suppers and barbecues to raise money," Henry Perry said.
Chris Barron, executive director of the State Firemen's & Fire Marshals' Association of Texas, told HuffPost that one department in Bastrop County has had to beg for proper clothing to use in combating wild fires. Other firefighters have paid out of pocket for that gear. They can't wear their normal gear when battling these fires. "The last thing we want to do is wear something heavy and nonbreathable," he said.
Barron said his organization had started a wildfire relief fund in March with the goal of raising $500,000 for new gear. It has received $200,000 in private donations so far.
The budget cuts haven't just hit local departments in need of proper gear. They've hit the state agency charged with inspecting that gear. The Texas Commission on Fire Protection, which regulates and inspects the personal protective gear such as breathing apparatuses and protective clothing, took a 25 percent cut. The commission has gone from 41 to 31 employees. It's down to six inspectors covering 700 departments, including Houston's 4,000 firefighters.
"We lost personnel and we lost funding," said Jake Soteriou, the commission's executive director. He said he had not heard of the breathing gear malfunctions.
Will the budget cuts slow down the commission's inspections? "We're going to find out," said Soteriou.
CORRECTION: An earlier version of this story said that firefighters were paying for "oxygen tanks," which is inaccurate. Firefighters carry air tanks, rather than compressed oxygen, to breathe in smoke-filled environments.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Randi Rhodes: Double Fail
Michele Bachmann is spreading stories that the HPV vaccinations cause “mental retardation.” She’s basically daring anyone to challenge her… and daring anyone to make the obvious Bachmann jokes there. We must be strong. Bachmann claims she was told by a woman after the debate on Monday that the woman’s daughter became mentally retarded after being given the HPV vaccine. Is that where members of Congress get their information these days? Do they gather rumors from random strangers? If you ever wondered how Michele Bachmann manages to stay so uninformed, there is your answer.
I already knew that Michele Bachmann would say anything. I didn’t realize that she would believe anything. When Sean Hannity asked Bachmann if the claims about mental retardation were true, Bachmann said “I have no idea.” Yes, but she just thought she’d use her standing as a member of Congress to pass it along. Michele Bachmann actually scored points against Rick Perry by bringing up the vaccine in the first place. Then she went and blew it all by… well, by being Michele Bachmann.
Classic—Rick Perry did something horrible by mandating a vaccination for girls in Texas based solely on the money he was getting from and his crony connections to a drug company, and the reason the rightwing is upset by it is that they don’t think the government should have anything to do with public health. Rick Perry did something completely wrong, and conservatives object to it for completely wrong reasons. Conservatives would be upset over this vaccination if it worked perfectly. In fact, whether or not it works is completely irrelevant to them. Oh, and old-school pro-business Republicans would still be all for this vaccine even if it did cause mental retardation, as long as it made money.
Michele Bachmann would not have approved this vaccine. She doesn’t care about curing cancer. She and her husband are too busy curing gayness. But if there was a vaccine that guarded against being gay, you can be absolutely sure that Michele Bachmann would sign an executive order making it mandatory for everyone. And Marcus would get the first shot.
Today’s Homework | Discuss
Stephen Colbert took a moment last night to weigh in on the death lust that's been on display at the GOP debates...