Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Thom Hartmann: Will fire services soon be luxuries available to just the top 1%?

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For the second time in a little over a year in Tennessee - firefighters sat and watched a house burn down. When her house caught fire - Tennessee homeowner Vicky Bell called 9-1-1 - but when firefighters arrived they parked their trucks away from the fire - and just watched the flames consume Vicky's home.
Because Vicky failed to pay the $75 dollar fire subscription fee. That's a new policy in several communities in Tennessee - called "pay for spray" - homeowners now have to pay an annual fee to receive protection from the fire department - what used to be part of the commons - a free service paid for by all of us through our tax dollars. As the Mayor of the city - David Crocker - said, defending the policy, "There's no way to go to every fire and keep up the manpower, the equipment, and just the funding for the fire department."
I guess police and fire services will soon be luxuries available to just the top 1%.
(Is this way fire services should be run? Tell us here.)

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