Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Thom Hartmann: Last night's debate - moving forward - not one time did the audience cheer death, sickness, joblessness, or homophobia

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There was another Republican debate last night - this time Bloomberg News hosted the circus. Ironically - Bloomberg just released a new poll before the debate showing that 2/3 of Americans - and even 53% of Republicans - support raising taxes on the wealthy. Of course - none of the candidates on stage last night agreed with the majority of the American people - and all called for even lower taxes on the wealthy.
Other highlights of the debate included - Newt Gingrich calling for Congressman Barney Frank and former Senator Chris Dodd to be put in jail and Rick Santorum asking for a trade war with China. But perhaps most telling about last night's debate was how virtually all the candidates ignored Rick Perry. A bad sign for the former front-runner who stuck his boot so far in his mouth in the first few debates - that it looks like his campaign is officially over flat-lining.
There's at least one positive takeaway form last night's debate - not one time did the audience cheer death, sickness, joblessness, or homophobia. That's a start at least...
(Is there hope for the Republican Party yet? Tell us here.)

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