Friday, April 29, 2011

Thom Hartmann: Is Tennessee on the Edge of Legalizing Political Bribery?

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The state of Tennessee is trying to reform its electoral system - by flooding it with corporate cash. A new bill has been approved in both the state House and Senate committees - that will allow corporations to contribute directly to political candidates - and increase the amount of money that political action committees - or PACs - are allowed to throw behind a candidate of their choosing.

As House Democratic Caucus Chairman Mike Turner said about the new bill, "It's going to be like an arms race with Democrats and Republicans trying to compete for this corporate cash." Of course - when both parties are working to get corporate cash - guess whom they're not working for? You and me and the rest of the working class.

There may be a lot of things wrong with elections in America - but I don't think TOO LITTLE corporate cash is the problem.


(Where is it going to end? Tell us here.)

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