Thursday, April 28, 2011

Randi Rhodes: The Shame of It All

No sooner had Obama released his birth certificate, Donald Trump began demanding he release his college transcripts. At least he’s not claiming that the school records don’t exist, have gone “missing,” or were issued from a university in Kenya. Trump said “I heard he was a terrible student, terrible. How does a bad student go to Columbia and then to Harvard?” I don’t know about that one. I do know that a buffoon can evidently get into the University of Pennsylvania if his daddy is rich.

Author/comedian Baratunde Thurston called Donald Trump “no better than a Klansman(video below). Worse, I would say. At least Klansmen had the common sense to hide their faces when they were doing this kind of thing. I don’t recall too many Klansmen throwing off their hoods and standing in front of a bunch of TV cameras and crowing about how “proud” they were of their actions. Maybe Donald Trump should just become a Klansman. The white hood over his head would be an improvement over his current hair situation.

Hour Two Guest: Baratunde Thurston on his powerful and much needed commentary (video below) regarding Donald Trump’s runaway race-bating. You can also see some of Baratunde's work at

Trump is always saying “China is our enemy.” If so, Donald Trump is clearly trading with the enemy. A huge array of Donald Trump-branded merchandise is made in China. Trump’s store sells $80 Trump-branded cotton sweaters and $70 Trump-branded warm-up tops, all made in China. Amazing. Donald Trump has managed to offer merchandise that’s made in China AND over-priced. At least when WalMart buys all their stuff from China, they sell them here for reasonable prices. Hell, that’s the only reason to buy stuff from China!

Speaking of which, Wal-Mart’s core shoppers are running out of money, evidently due to rising gas prices. People don’t have money to spend on cheap merchandise from China because they’re spending it all on expensive oil from the Middle East. Of course, another part of the problem is that most of the money in this country is in the hands of the richest few people. The only solution? We have to get more billionaires to shop at WalMart.

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