Thursday, April 7, 2011

Randi Rhodes: Getting Their Tea-Stained Wish

Even though all other federal workers will not get paid during any government shutdown, get this—members of Congress will continue to get paid! That’s because of the way the rules are written…and because the rules are written by members of Congress. So let’s get this straight—the only people in the government who will continue to get paid are the ones who are responsible for the fact that nobody else is getting paid! Members of Congress are probably the wealthiest government employees as it is. So the only people getting any money are the very people who least need the money. Hey, that’s exactly how our tax system works too!

Once again, Speaker John Boehner is chanting “No one wants the government to shut down.” It may be true that John Boehner personally does not want the government shutdown. What is definitely true is that John Boehner does not want the government shutdown… blamed on him. Republicans aren’t using these negotiations to try and avoid a government shutdown, they’re using these negotiations to try and avoid the blame for a government shut down.

And don't be fooled (I know you're not) - this stand-off has nothing to do with numbers, it's all about the tea-stained "policy riders" stuffed into the GOP's 2011 budget.

They may be starting to worry a little. Now Michele Bachmann says “There is no such thing as an actual government shutdown.” OK Michele, I’ve heard of damage control… but you’ve moved into the realm of damage denial. She went on to say that the shutdown is really just “a government slowdown.” Wow. I didn’t think that government could move any slower than it has been when Republicans are dragging their feet.

Finally, yesterday John Boehner broke into tears again, this time at a closed-door meeting of Republicans. I have a feeling that when John Boehner finally gets behind closed doors, tears aren’t the only thing that starts flowing. Boehner cried when he thanked the House Republicans for standing by him and supporting him through the negotiations. I think we’ve all seen that speech by somebody… “You guysh are my besht friends. I love you, man!” Most guys give that alcohol and tear-soaked speech sometime around 3 a.m. on the night of their bachelor party after drinking a tequila shot from a stripper’s navel. But John Boehner gives that speech at least every week to a group of Republicans somewhere.

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Paging Dr. Freud - Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN) talks victory for the ‘Republican People’ on Fox News…

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