Thursday, August 11, 2011

Thom Hartmann: 79% of Americans are Dissatisfied with the U.S. Gov

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A loss of faith. According to a new Washington Post poll - 79% of Americans are dissatisfied with the United States government. And only one out of four people ACTUALLY think our government can solve the nation's economic problems. It appears the 30-year effort by Republicans of dragging the good name of government through the mud by running government poorly - is working.

Expect these very same Republicans in Congress who've broken our system - to run on a campaign platform next year that government is broken. Unfortunately - what many Americans don't realize - and what most Republicans do - is that nature abhors a vacuum. And when you shrink government - something has to fill the power vacuum - and that something is ALWAYS corporate power.

Don't get rid of the government - get rid of too much corporate influence IN government.


(Do you think the government will react? Tell us here.)

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