Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Randi Rhodes: The No Truth Zone

It seems Bill O’Reilly understands polling almost as well as he understands the moon, the sun, and the tides. Bill says that a poll of Wisconsinites that shows strong support for the union position is “misleading” because it includes some respondents from union households. To Bill, any poll that includes people who disagree with him is “misleading.” Really Bill? You think the poll is wrong because it includes union households? I suppose support for President Obama would go down if you exclude supporters of President Obama from the poll.

Is it possible that Bill O’Reilly really doesn’t understand how random polling works? Or is he doing this intentionally? It’s hard to imagine one person could be that stupid, or that dishonest—but Bill O’Reilly could do it on both counts. Then O’Reilly says “The issue remains confusing.” Uh, just to you, Bill. Finally he claims “The American public seems to be split.” Yes, they are split, Bill—they’re split about 2-to-1 in favor of the unions’ positions. I want to conduct a poll of Bill O’Reilly’s viewers to see how many of them realize he’s a moron. But the poll can’t include anyone who watches Bill O’Reilly.

In the great Dairyland revolt, 1.1 million Wisconsinites say they would recall Scott Walker right now if they could. Wow, that was quick. It took the people of Libya 40 years to even start getting rid of Qaddafi. Wisconsin wants Scott Walker gone after he’s only been in office for two months. Usually a politician gets a grace period, but then Scott Walker managed to turn his into a disgrace period.

Wisconsin’s Republican State Senator Glenn Grothman called protesters in the Capitol “slobs.” Hey, when you have to camp out in public buildings to stop Scott Walker’s power grab, personal hygiene has to take a back seat. The lack of hygiene has to be hard on the protestors. Every time I think of Scott Walker, I desperately want to take a shower.

And in our obligatory Charlie Sheen update, Sheen’s young sons have been removed from his home, and from the care and guidance of his two live-in girlfriends. Sheen was raising his twin sons with two resident girlfriends, one of whom was a porn actress. Maybe Charlie’s next show should be an X-rated reality version of HBO’s “Big Love.”

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Fox News has suspended Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum, giving them 60 days to figure out if they’re running for president or not. Here’s the on-air announcement:

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