Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Randi Rhodes: Blessed Are the Oligarchs

Slash and burn the middle class: in Florida, Rick Scott is slashing things like teachers’ pay and Medicaid assistance to the poor in order to fund corporate tax breaks. Somebody tell Rick Scott that just because he looks like Skeletor doesn’t mean he has to act like him. Scott is proposing billions in corporate tax cuts and spending cuts, in roughly the same amount. He’s turning the state of Florida into a middleman for shuttling the money of the middle class to the rich. Rick Scott said he was going to run Florida like a corporation. What he’s actually doing is running Florida for corporations.

In Colorado, they’re proposing massive budget cuts, while billionaires pay virtually no property taxes by using an agricultural loophole for their high-end properties. They’re not farmers. These people aren’t growing anything, except growing richer at our expense. Tom Cruise owns about 250 acres of prime vacation-home land near Telluride. He pays $400 a year in property taxes… by grazing a few sheep there for brief periods each year. Meanwhile, it’s the people of Colorado who are getting fleeced. Colorado is actually going to close four state parks while allowing billionaires to pay no property taxes. Hey, maybe Tom Cruise will allow people to have a picnic on some of his property.

In Wisconsin, Scott Walker believes that God is telling him what to do in his fight to bust the unions. Hello? If God thinks people should work under sub-standard conditions, then why did he lead the Israelites out of bondage? In Scott Walker’s way of looking at things, the Israelites would have had no right to collectively bargain with the pharaoh, let alone walk off the job like they did. I don’t have the Bible memorized, but I don’t remember any part where Jesus says “Blessed are the oligarchs.”

And here’s my big question—if Scott Walker can’t tell a fake Charles Koch from the real thing, what makes him so sure that the voice telling him to do all of this stuff is Jesus? That’s the problem with basing your actions on what God tells you to do—a lot of those messages from God are really prank callers. Here’s a clue—if God is telling you to screw the little guy for the sake of the rich and powerful… that might not be God.

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