Friday, November 18, 2011

Randi Rhodes: Lying Liars

It's Friday, ya bastids!

Republicans are trying to turn President Obama’s words against him, by turning his words on their head. Both Rick Perry and Mitt Romney have been saying that President Obama called Americans “lazy.” I wish this was just a case of lazy editing, but it’s obviously a case of purposely deceptive editing. The President was talking to a group of CEO’s about US business practices and said "But we’ve been a little bit lazy, I think, over the last couple of decades" in attracting investment. Perry and Romney took that statement and claim that President Obama was calling American workers "soft and lazy." Hey, if you can’t find misstatements by the other side, why not just create them? In the speeches that Romney and Perry have been lifting quotes from, Obama also calls American workers "outstanding" and "the best workers in the world." Was President Obama calling American workers "lazy" and "outstanding" in virtually the same breath? No. The only way to be that self-contradictory is to be Mitt Romney. None of these Republican candidates have a chance running against President Obama, so they’re trying to run against a President Obama that they have created from scratch.

In the wake of his interview fiasco earlier this week, Herman Cain has backed out of an interview with the New Hampshire Union Leader. And since he’s Herman Cain, he even stumbled as he was backing out. At first, the Cain campaign tried to cut the time of the interview down from 75 minutes to 20 minutes. At least that shows that they’re starting to get it—the less Herman Cain says, the better. The problem is, if you’re trying to avoid embarrassing gaffes, believe me, 20 minutes is more than enough time for Herman Cain to supply riches of embarrassment.

Finally, Michele Bachmann says that she was told that the IRS had to approve procedures under Obamacare. She said she was told this by... honestly... a 7-foot tall doctor. OK... what else did he say, Michele? "Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum. I smell the blood of an Englishman?" Why did she throw that tidbit in? Does Michele think that height conveys credibility? Take note, lobbyists. If you want to sway Michele Bachmann on any issue, all you have to do is send Shaquille O’Neal to talk to her.

Today’s Homework | Discuss

84-year old activist Dorli Rainey talks to Olbermann about being pepper-sprayed by Seattle police and the importance of activism...

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