Thursday, July 21, 2011

Randi Rhodes: The Ladies' Man

Allen West is trying to fundraise off of his tirade against fellow Florida Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz, because in the Republican world, the only thing worse than making a mistake is failing to profit off of that mistake. The subject line on West’s fundraising email is “Vile, Despicable, and Unprofessional.” It refers to what he originally called Wasserman Schultz, though “vile, despicable, and unprofessional” very neatly sums up the idea of this fundraising effort itself.

For her part, Debbie Wasserman Schultz had some choice words for Allen West yesterday. And guess what? None of those words were “vile, despicable, or unprofessional.” Once again, Wasserman Schultz just took apart Allen West on the issues, which is the perfect approach, since West has already proven that he cannot handle being criticized on the issues. I wonder how Allen is going to react. There are only so many synonyms for “vile” and “despicable” in the thesaurus.

At least Allen West has found a fierce defender in Allen West. And if you’re thinking “but they’re the same person,” well Allen West doesn’t seem so sure of that. Speaking on Fox News, West pulled the classic weirdo stunt of repeatedly referring to himself in the third person. Not that I blame him. If I was Allen West, I’d want to put some distance between me and Allen West.

Finally, according to a 2006 article in the Star Tribune, Marcus Bachmann sometimes acts as Michele’s wardrobe stylist. Well, to more accurate, he acts as her husband. He IS her wardrobe stylist. In 2006, the article says Marcus chose for Michele “a sleek, simple hourglass dress with a yoke collar in winter white.” No wonder this woman gets debilitating migraines. How much mental effort does it take to keep convincing herself that she is not married to Auntie Mame? If nothing else happens this Republican Primary cycle, I want Marcus Bachmann to be able to throw off the winter white yoke collar of closeted living. I don’t care who the Republican nominee in 2012 is, as long as Marcus is Grand Marshall of the 2012 Greenwich Village Pride Parade.

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Stephen Colbert gets to the bottom of West vs Wasserman Schultz as only he can...

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