Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Randi Rhodes: Millions Scrooged!

Extended unemployment benefits for nearly 2 million Americans begin to run out today, thanks to Republican obstructionism. Republicans are less concerned with ending unemployment than they are with ending unemployment benefits. An extension of the benefits was blocked by Senator Scott Brown. Merry Christmas! I would call Scott Brown a Grinch, but that’s unfair to the Grinch. After all, he did the right thing in the end. I don’t really see Scott Brown’s heart growing three sizes and then him riding a giant sled full of unemployment benefits down to the Who’s in Who-ville. About 2 million people will be cut off from unemployment benefits by Christmas. So this Christmas, when there are carolers outside your door singing “Oh bring us some figgy pudding,” they might really mean it. You might want to have some figgy pudding on hand, if you can figure out what the hell it is.

How bad is it? Delta Airlines is hiring 1,000 flight attendants… and 100,000 people have applied. At this point, unemployed people are so desperate that I’m sure some of them were applying just to get some free peanuts. It’s got to be tough to be a flight attendant. That’s one job where—if you’re late for work—work leaves without you.

Tea Party Nation President Judson Phillips says restricting the right to vote to just property owners is a good idea. And I’m sure he wouldn’t mind seeing the right to own property restricted to white males. I have news for Judson Phillips, if the housing economy keeps going the way it is, the only property owners in America are going to be CitiBank, Chase, and Bank of America. But then, only allowing the big banks to vote is essentially what the Citizens United ruling does, in a more roundabout way. Judson Phillips said that property owners have more of a “vested interest in the community.” That’s not true. Non-property owners want to have safe and clean streets. They have to live on them.

Finally, an article in The Hill warns the left that they better learn to live with disappointment. More? At this point we’ve seen more disappointments than a 100 year-old Cubs fan… whose unemployment benefits are expiring.

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